由于我看到 authorize.net 有一个用于测试模式的全局帐户设置,我想知道通过 magento admin 在 authorize.net 帐户上启用测试模式是否有任何风险,使用相同帐户但不在测试中的其他 magento 网站模式。
1 回答
In Authorize.net's API a test mod ise available at the request level using the variable x_test_request.
Looking at magento/app/code/core/Mage/Authorizenet/Model/Directpost/Request.php function setConstantData() you can see that setXTestRequest is called if the test setting is enabled.
If you enable this you won't impact other connections [on different stores], if you the global option from Authorize.net's side clearly it will be global. Either way when dealing with payments you should always test after any change to insure you don't mistakenly lose sales [or charge yourself].
Source: http://developer.authorize.net/guides/AIM/Test_Transactions/Test_Transactions.htm