

<div class="thumbs">
<img id="vt_0" src="thumbxxx00.jpg" />
<img id="vt_1" src="thumbxxx01.jpg" />
<img id="vt_2" src="thumbxxx02.jpg" />
<img id="vt_3" src="thumbxxx03.jpg" />
<img id="vt_4" src="thumbxxx04.jpg" />
<img id="vt_5" src="thumbxxx05.jpg" />
<img id="vt_6" src="thumbxxx06.jpg" />

<script type="text/javascript">
var videos = [ "xxx00", "xxx01", "xxx02", "xxx03", "xxx04", "xxx05", "xxx06" ];
var video_index = null;

function playVideo(id) {
// play video then call "onVideoFinish()" when video ends. 


function onVideoFinish() {
    video_index = (video_index = 6) ? video_index : video_index+1;

    $j("div.thumbnail img").live("click", function (e) {
      var selected_id = $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1];
      video_index = selected_id;
      playvideo( videos[video_index] );




3 回答 3


我就是这样做的。在这种情况下,您需要的唯一全局变量是 currentPlayOrder,它可以作为首选项或配置模型的一部分存储在某人身上。

首先是 HTML。我将视频源移动到相关缩略图的 rel 属性中。我假设您的应用程序正在生成缩略图,在这种情况下,这将是一种合适的方法,因为生成缩略图的任何内容都可以使 HTML 知道相关的视频源。

<div class="thumbs">
    <img id="vt_0" src="http://stackoverflow.com/content/img/so/logo.png" rel="videoA"/>
    <img id="vt_1" src="http://serverfault.com/content/img/sf/logo.png"   rel="videoB"/>
    <img id="vt_2" src="http://stackoverflow.com/content/img/so/logo.png" rel="videoC"/>
    <img id="vt_3" src="http://serverfault.com/content/img/sf/logo.png"   rel="videoD"/>
    <img id="vt_4" src="http://stackoverflow.com/content/img/so/logo.png" rel="videoE"/>
    <img id="vt_5" src="http://serverfault.com/content/img/sf/logo.png"   rel="videoF"/>
    <img id="vt_6" src="http://stackoverflow.com/content/img/so/logo.png" rel="videoG"/>

现在是 JS。注意使用previousSiblingandnextSibling来确定播放顺序:

<script type="text/javascript">

var PLAY_ORDER_BACKWARD = "previousSibling";
var PLAY_ORDER_FORWARD  = "nextSibling";

var currentPlayOrder = PLAY_ORDER_FORWARD;

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".thumbs img").each(function(i, node) {
        $(node).click(function() {
            playVideo(this.getAttribute("rel"), this);

var playVideo = function(source, thumbNode) {
    console.log("Play video %s", source);
    // If your video play accepts a callback, you may need to pass it as
    // function() { onVideoFinish(thumbNode); }

var onVideoFinish = function(thumbNode) {
    // Get the next img node (if any) in the appropriate direction
    while ( thumbNode = thumbNode[currentPlayOrder] ) {
        if ( thumbNode.tagName == "IMG" ) { break; }

    // If an img node exists and it has the rel (video source) attribute
    if ( thumbNode && thumbNode.getAttribute("rel") ) {
        playVideo(thumbNode.getAttribute("rel"), thumbNode);
    // Otherwise, assume that there are no more thumbs/videos in this direction
    else {
        console.log("No more videos to play");


于 2009-07-17T02:14:28.070 回答


为什么不将视频名称与缩略图一起存储,而不是将视频名称存储在数组中?您可以使用 class 属性来存储视频的名称。


<div class="thumbs">
<img id="vt_0" src="thumbxxx00.jpg" class="xxx00"/>
<img id="vt_1" src="thumbxxx01.jpg" class="xxx01"/>
<img id="vt_2" src="thumbxxx02.jpg" class="xxx02"/>
<img id="vt_3" src="thumbxxx03.jpg" class="xxx03"/>
<img id="vt_4" src="thumbxxx04.jpg" class="xxx04"/>
<img id="vt_5" src="thumbxxx05.jpg" class="xxx05"/>
<img id="vt_6" src="thumbxxx06.jpg" class="xxx06"/>

<script type="text/javascript">

    function setupVideoPlayer(order)
        //lastThumb won't be accessible from outside of setupVideoPlayer 
        var lastThumb = null;
        var imageSelector = 'div.thumbs img';

        function playVideo(video)
            //Play the video.

        function onVideoFinish()
            //If order is 'ascending', we will go to the 'next'
            //image, otherwise we will go to 'previous' image.
            var method = order == 'asc' ? 'next' : 'prev';

            //When user is at the end, we need to reset it either at the 
            //first image (for ascending) or the last (for descending). 
            var resetIndex = order == 'asc' ? 0 : $(imageSelector).length - 1;

            //When video has finished playing, we will try to 
            //find the next/prev (depending upon order) sibling of 'lastThumb', 

            //If we can not find any sibling, it means we are at the
            //last/first thumbnail and we will go back and fetch the first/last

            //Also, instead of calling the playVideo method, we will
            //fire the click event of thumbnail. This way, if you decide to
            //do something in future (say playing an ad before the video)
            //you only need to do it in your click handler.            

            if($(lastThumb)[method]().length == 0)


                    //on click, we store the reference to the thumbnail which was 
                    lastThumb = this;

                    //We get the name of the video from the class attribute
                    //and play the video. 

        function() { setupVideoPlayer('asc'); }


上面的代码的优点是你可以修改你的 HTML,它会自动播放这些视频。

于 2009-07-17T00:34:36.453 回答

您可以使用锚标记包装图像并使用 onClick 方法,如下所示:

<a href="java script:;" onClick="playVideo(0)"><img src="thumbxxx00.jpg" /></a>
<a href="java script:;" onClick="playVideo(1)"><img src="thumbxxx01.jpg" /></a>
于 2009-07-17T00:35:03.520 回答