I'm building Sitecore sheer UI application. The main layout is aspx page NOT XAML, which contains a grid. I added a dropdown list as a ribbon button. When dropdown list changes, it must filter the grid source based on the selected value in dropdown.

When dropdown list changes, my custom command will trigger, but in the command I can't access my grid control so that I can do a filter. So my question is how can I call a method inside my aspx page from command class?


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从您的帖子中,我了解到您已经构建了一个界面(.aspx 页面),当用户单击功能区中的下拉值时会打开该界面。

如果是这种情况,那么您可以使用命令文件中的查询字符串在 aspx 页面中传递下拉值

  1. 在命令文件中添加以下代码

    • 执行方法中,从CommandContext 上下文中检索点击的值:

      Item item = context.Items[0];
    • 运行方法用户 SheerResponse 中打开 aspx 文件:

      UrlString urlString = new UrlString("youraspxpage.aspx?id="+(Dropdownvalue));
  2. 在 aspx 文件中添加以下代码以访问您从下拉列表中选择的选项:

    • 在 page_load 方法中从查询字符串访问下拉值,检索下拉值并加载网格:

      string dropdownvalue= (Request.QueryString["id"]);


于 2013-07-10T13:28:16.423 回答