我正在尝试使用 foreach 循环从两个单独的表中查看值。用户从下拉列表中选择一个“开始学期”和一个“结束学期”,这两个学期存储在一个名为 $semesterarray 的数组中
<table style='width: 75%; text-align: left;' cellpadding = '4'>
<tr bgcolor=#000090>
<th><FONT COLOR = #FFFFFF><b><?php echo $startsem ?></b></th>
<th><FONT COLOR = #FFFFFF><b><?php echo $endsem ?></b></th>
// If $semesterarray contains 10 and 11, I want to be able to view the
// courses taken in the 10 semester and the 11 semester under two separate columns.
function getSemesterDetails($semester)
$output = "";
$semA = $semester."reg";
$query = "SELECT course1,course2,course3 FROM $semA";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
// row displays: [course1]=> [course2]=> [course3]=>
// Add semester code to array Keys to indicate proper semester
// [course1.11]=> [course2.11]=> [course3.11]=>
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
$row[$key.".".$semester] = $value;
$startcourse1 = $row['course1.'.$semester];
$startcourse2 = $row['course2.'.$semester];
$startcourse3 = $row['course3.'.$semester];
$startcoursesarray = array($startcourse1, $startcourse2, $startcourse3);
$startcourses = implode("<br>", $startcoursesarray);
$endcourse1 = $row['course1.'.$semester];
$endcourse2 = $row['course2.'.$semester];
$endcourse3 = $row['course3.'.$semester];
$endcoursesarray = array($endcourse1, $endcourse2, $endcourse3);
$endcourses = implode("<br>", $endcoursesarray);
echo "<tr bgcolor=#ABB5F6>
foreach ($midsemarrayA as $key => $semester)
echo getSemesterDetails($semA);