昨天我尝试安装钛 appcelerator 并在此过程中编辑了一些 android sdk 安装现在我已将我的 android sdk 更新到 20 版。但是当我启动 eclipse 时,我收到一个错误,即 sdk 需要 20.0.0 或更高版本。我尝试使用 eclipse->help->check for updates-> 进行安装,但再次安装无法正常工作,声称找不到所需的项目。请帮忙


10 回答 10


转到HelpInstall New Software

在那里,您单击work with:下拉菜单并选择您的 android adt 链接。



于 2012-07-05T07:51:48.170 回答

我也遇到了同样的错误,我通过更新 adt 解决了它。

转到:EclipseHelpInstall New Software

并单击work with下拉菜单并选择您之前使用过的 android adt 链接。它看起来像这样:

安卓 ADT - https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/

勾选开发人员工具复选框,然后单击下一步。如果您已经安装了其中的一些,那么 eclipse 会通知您。

于 2012-07-10T04:48:37.303 回答

我遇到了同样的错误,我通过更新 Android SDK 工具和 Android SDK 平台工具解决了这个问题。

EclipseWindowAndroid SDK Manager,然后更新ToolsAndroid SDK Tools

和 Android SDK 平台工具包。在此之后重新启动 Eclipse,然后再次更新 ADT。( HelpCheck for new Updates)。

于 2012-07-05T06:09:24.180 回答

最好下载最新的 Eclipse 设置 Juno http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/打开此链接并下载此版本 Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

于 2012-07-05T06:13:14.133 回答

我所做的是卸载最新的 ADT 并返回到以前的 ADT。有效。

转到HelpInstall New Software- 查找已安装的超链接。卸载所有 ADT。重新启动 Eclipse,它会告诉您您所拥有的修订工具所需的 ADT。下载此 ADT 并手动安装。它至少应该起作用。

于 2012-10-12T17:14:17.313 回答


打开 SDK 管理器 -> 包菜单 -> 重新加载

于 2013-10-19T13:22:58.783 回答

如果您必须更新 ADT 20.0,否则它不起作用,也不会列出 SDK 安装的数量。我有这个问题并通过更新 ADT 20.0 来解决,也很好的用户界面。

于 2012-07-05T06:04:20.440 回答

I suspected that something was wrong with my configuration, as I shouldn't have to suddenly update the ADT when everything had been previously working.

BTW, I got this with "Android ADT version required 21.0.0 and above".

To fix it, I:

  1. Reinstalled eclipse (which is quite easy, as the zip was still in my Downloads, so I just deleted my eclipse directory and unzip the original again - eclipse doesn't use the registry)
  2. Created a "hello_world" java app, in eclipse, to test that (fixing any problems with the standard searches");
  3. Created a "hello_world" Android app to test that (fixing any problems with the standard searches).
  4. Reverted my project files to the last known working version,
  5. Imported my project, and fixed an problems, etc...

About an hour's work. No downloads (assuming you've still got your eclipse zip), no update to the ADT, and no obscure problems which I haven't faced before.

This person (http://kcwebprogrammers.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/android-sdk-eclipse-hell.html) recommends a complete re-install, but it seems that a partial restoration may work.

于 2012-11-30T04:06:09.983 回答

I too had the same problem. I resolved it by doing the following in Eclipse:

Go to Help -> Check for Updates -> Install all the Updates available. only check on Android Development Tools then press next and accept install it :)

Mohamed Safwat

Helwan Uni


于 2013-02-06T16:30:40.627 回答

In Eclipse (ADT)

Help --> Install New Software ---> Work with --> Android Developer Tools Update Site - http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/


于 2013-03-14T23:19:13.240 回答