We have just moved our joomla/magento site to a new server. We are now getting some intermittant 404 errors for the magento admin panel

We are able to use the Magento Admin periodically. After a couple of hours we will start getting a 404 after logging in. Once we manually clear the magento cache it starts to work again.

When we start getting the 404 the issue appears to be related to the URL.

Our setup is:

  1. Joomla is in the root directory.
  2. Magento ( is in a sub-directory /magento

When the Admin panel (www.oursite.com.au/magento/_admin) is working the url after login is

When the 404 starts occuring the url drops the 'magento' out of the url and becomes

After manually cleaning the magneto cache the issue is resolved. After a few hours it starts to occur again.

Any help would be appreciated.


1 回答 1



在某些地方,magento/var/cache 目录的权限不正确。显然,如果 magento 无法写入此目录,它就会开始写入全局 /tmp 目录。

magento 论坛上的这篇文章有信息和解决方案:



于 2012-07-05T13:42:49.890 回答