我正在尝试查找一些技术文档、博客或示例代码,它们可以帮助我将 Squareup API 集成到 iOS 中。我已经用谷歌搜索了它,这对我没有多大帮助。我有 android github 代码供参考。
我还在 iOS 中发现了 squareup 的可行性,您可以查看此应用:http: //itunes.apple.com/us/app/drchrono-emr/id363897223 ?mt=8
这个应用程序使用了 squareup,这意味着它可以集成到 iOS 中。
我正在尝试查找一些技术文档、博客或示例代码,它们可以帮助我将 Squareup API 集成到 iOS 中。我已经用谷歌搜索了它,这对我没有多大帮助。我有 android github 代码供参考。
我还在 iOS 中发现了 squareup 的可行性,您可以查看此应用:http: //itunes.apple.com/us/app/drchrono-emr/id363897223 ?mt=8
这个应用程序使用了 squareup,这意味着它可以集成到 iOS 中。
截至 2014 年,看起来他们确实提供了一个 API:
Square does not offer an API. [Source1] [Source2]
Their official Github account does have a deprecated (as of April 2012) android api that will not work. I would advise looking elsewhere for in-app payment solutions.
Also keep in mind that in-app payments are a gray area in the iOS terms of service. If you are selling something in the app, it must be available for sale outside of the app as well. Selling items through the app only will have to use Apple's In-App Purchase framework so they get their 30% cut.