我正在编写一个读取和处理大量数据的程序。为了加快进程,我使用 C++ 的 Pthreads 库实现了多线程读取/处理。但是,当我在互斥锁上调用 pthread_mutex_lock(&lock1) 时,我的程序出错,在 lock1 的地址上给我一个“访问冲突读取位置”错误。我需要在一个类的方法上运行这些线程,这需要在 pthread 库的限制范围内进行一些操作,而我在操作的某个地方犯了错误。以下是我的代码的缩写版本,对不起 tl;dr。在不遗漏任何对多线程至关重要的部分的情况下尽可能缩短它:
#include "pthread.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
/*Ideally I need to create one instance of this object that has the run_stuff method
being executed by two different threads. I need both threads to have access to the
same private variables, and have ensured that those variables won't be accessed at the
same time. That is the end goal of my multithreading*/
class test_obj {
void run_stuff(int); //the method I want to run on two different threads using the same private variables
int count;
void switch_gate1();//switches the value of gate 1
void switch_gate2();
bool test_gate1(int); //checks to see if gate 1 equals thread id
bool test_gate2(int);
bool gate1, gate2; //can only be accessed under a locked mutex
pthread_mutex_t lock1, lock2;
/*This structure is what I pass to pthread_create*/
struct thread_args { //arguements passed to a thread when it is created
thread_args() {a = new test_obj;}; //constructor: create new test_obj instance
test_obj *a; //pointer to a test_obj instance, I think both threads receive a pointer to the same instance
int t_id; //ID of thread being created
class thread_helper { //managing function to create threads and call run_stuff method
thread_helper() {args = new thread_args;};
void my_method(); //called from main, creates threads and runs them
thread_args *args; //pointer to a thread_args obj
static void* execute(void *ptr); //method to be run by created threads
pthread_t m_thread1, m_thread2; //the two threads
int main() {
thread_helper c;
return 0;
test_obj::test_obj() {
count = 0; //not important right now, test variable
gate1 = 0; //thread 0 gets first access
gate2 = 0; //thread 0 gets first access
void thread_helper::my_method() {
int error_code;
thread_args *a, *b;
*a = *b = *args;
a->t_id = 0;
b->t_id = 1;
error_code = pthread_create(&m_thread1, NULL, &thread_helper::execute, (void*)a); //create thread 0 to run execute method
assert(0 == error_code); //check for success
error_code = pthread_create(&m_thread2, NULL, &thread_helper::execute, (void*)b);
assert(0 == error_code);
error_code = pthread_join(m_thread1, NULL);//wait for thread 0
assert(0 == error_code);
error_code = pthread_join(m_thread2, NULL); //wait for thread 1
assert(0 == error_code);
void* thread_helper::execute(void *ptr) {
thread_args *b = (thread_args*)ptr;//recast ptr back into thread_args type
int t_id = b->t_id;//save thread id
b->a->run_stuff(t_id);//access test_obj object from thread_args (should be same object for both threads) and run method
return NULL;
void test_obj::run_stuff(int t_id) {
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //run twice (give a chance for threads to flip flop)
//-----Part 1
while(!test_gate1(t_id)){//while not allowed to proceed
printf("thread %d reporting in\n", t_id);//thread has gained access to part 1, print id
switch_gate1();//allow opposite thread in
//-----Part 2
while(!test_gate2(t_id)){//wait for access to part 2
//count++; //just a dummy place for now, will be used later to check access
switch_gate2();//allow opposite thread in
bool test_obj::test_gate1(int t_id) {//returns true if id of calling thread matches value of gate 1
//a return value of true means a thread is allowed to proceed, false otherwise
pthread_mutex_lock(&lock1);**//secure access to gate THIS IS WHAT ERRORS OUT**
if(t_id == gate1){//check gate
pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock1);//release gate
return true;//return
else {
return false;
bool test_obj::test_gate2(int t_id) {
if(t_id == gate2){
return true;
else {
return false;
/*Switch gate functions are designed to obtain access to the boolean gate (prevent the opposing thread from checking the gate by means of mutex), then switch the value of the boolean gate and release the gate for the other thread to check.*/
void test_obj::switch_gate1() {
pthread_mutex_lock(&lock1);//secure access to gate
gate1 = !gate1; //flip gate
pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock1); //release gate
void test_obj::switch_gate2() {
gate2 = !gate2;
编辑:修复了将我的 thread_args 变量传递给 pthreads_create 的错误。之后现在可以按预期工作并进行初始化/销毁修复。