I have spent quite a while (past week) trying this to little avail. However, what I want seems completely unheard of. So far, I have reviewed recommendations available through google, which include encoding a static file into multiple static files in different formats, creating a playlist that hosts static files in an m3u8 file (files which get added to the playlist as streaming continues). I have also seen ideas involving rtmp, rtsp etc which are completely out of the question because of their incompatibility. Ideally, I would have one webpage that would link to the stream (http://server/video.mp4) and/or show it in a webpage (via the video tag). With that in mind, the most likely format would be h264+aac in mp4 container.

Unfortunately, (and probably because the file has no duration metadata) it does not work. I can use a desktop player (such as VLC) to open the stream and play it, but my iPhone and Android both give their respective "Can't be played" messages.

I don't think the problem is caused by the devices' ability to stream, for I have made a streaming shoutcast server work just fine (mp3 only).

Currently, the closest I have become is using the following setup on my win32 machine:

FFMPEG Command:: ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="Logitech Webcam 200":audio="Microphone (Webcam 200)" -b:v 180k -bt 240k -vcodec libx264 -tune zerolatency -profile:v baseline -preset ultrafast -r 10 -strict -2 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 48000 -ab 32k -f flv "udp://"

VLC:: Stream from udp:// to http:// :8080/video.mp4 (No Transcoding), basically just to convert the UDP stream into an http-accessible stream.

Any hints or suggestions would be warmly welcomed!


1 回答 1


对不起,我试图理解你的问题。看来您试图通过 http 从您的服务器在 android 和 iphone 上播放 mp4 对吗?


如果您没有,我建议您查看 darwin 流媒体服务器 (http://justdevelopment.blogspot.com/2009/10/video-streaming-with-android-phone.html)。它将允许您将视频设置为使用每个设备所需的正确编码进行流式传输。


于 2012-07-03T22:33:59.040 回答