var SalesforceOAuthPlugin = {
* Obtain authentication credentials, calling 'authenticate' only if necessary.
* Most index.html authors can simply use this method to obtain auth credentials
* after onDeviceReady.
* success - The success callback function to use.
* fail - The failure/error callback function to use.
* PhoneGap returns a dictionary with:
* accessToken
* refreshToken
* clientId
* userId
* orgId
* loginUrl
* instanceUrl
* userAgent
getAuthCredentials: function(success, fail) {
PhoneGap.exec(success, fail, "com.salesforce.oauth","getAuthCredentials",[]);
SalesforceOAuthPlugin.getAuthCredentials(getUserid(), getAuthCredentialsError);
我正在尝试使用上述函数获取用户的 ID,但它不起作用。