Does anyone have any idea or know of any situation where python inserts newline characters strangely.
This is my piece of code
if ((sentAnalyze) and len(OpString)!=0):
if data[8]!= '':
if (data[8] == 'p'):
OpString = "1 " + OpString
elif (data[8] == 'n'):
OpString = "-1 " + OpString
elif (data[8] == 'neu'):
OpString = "0 " + OpString
print "writing :", OpString
fw.write(OpString + "\n")
When I try looking at the print commands and the file write commands, there is a an extra new line inserted in the file for certain line numbers.
this entire if block is in a while loop and the print command prints the lines properly.
and yeah I am opening the file in w+
Function (partially written here) to compute the OpString
for word,tag in simplified_tokens:
tok = word + "/" + tag
if tok in self.wordtoPosition:
OpString = OpString+ " " + str(self.wordtoPosition[tok]) + ":1" #+ str(1.0 / self.uniqPOSHash[tok])
return OpString
And the data looks like
1981:1 503:1 21:1 58:1 159:1 1:1 87:1 412:1 105:1 478:1 1154:1 1023:1 1192:1 53:1 37:1 36:1 598:1 19:1 4:1 162:1 14:1 131:1 2:1 489:1 411:1 3:1 165:1 370:1
-17:1 614:1 6:1 631:1 59:1 1:1 0:1 1183:1 10:1 22:1 15:1 67:1 55:1 3:1 175:1 9:1 43:1 866:1 48:1 30:1 0:1 484:1 2:1 1106:1 109:1
Notice the extra newline between. Only happening at certain places.
repr(OpString) shows
'1981:1 503:1 21:1 58:1 159:1 1:1 87:1 412:1 105:1 478:1 1154:1 1023:1 1192:1 53:1 37:1 36:1 598:1 19:1 4:1 162:1 14:1 131:1 2:1 489:1 411:1 3:1 165:1 370:1'
'-17:1 614:1 6:1 631:1 59:1 1:1 0:1 1183:1 10:1 22:1 15:1 67:1 55:1 3:1 175:1 9:1 43:1 866:1 48:1 30:1 0:1 484:1 2:1 1106:1 109:1'
Note. Removing "\n" will still add a line when I am writing to the file for certain lines. That is weird
Another Interesting Observation. In the above approach, I am reading from a file and writing into a different file. sO i have 2 file handles open. fr for file read and fw for file write. If I just have fr open, build the entire OpString variable, close fr and then write it using fw, I do not get weird new lines. Very interesting!