我从以下位置输入了所有代码:https ://github.com/ptwobrussell/Mining-the-Social-Web/blob/master/python_code/introduction__retweet_visualization.py
但是,我得到的只是“退出代码 0”并且没有任何输出。如何创建作为此代码目标的转推图?
# =*= coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import json
import re
import webbrowser
import codecs
import twitter
import networkx as nx
# Your query
Q = sys.argv[0]
# An HTLML page that we'll inject Protovis consumable data into
HTML_TEMPLATE = '~/PyCharmProjects/twitter_movements/web_code/protovis/twitter_retweet_graph.html'
OUT = os.path.basename(HTML_TEMPLATE)
OUT_DIR = 'out'
# Writes out a dOT language file that can be converted into
# an image by Graphbiz
def write_dot_output(g, out_file):
out_file += ".dot"
if not os.path.isdir(OUT_DIR):
nx.drawing.write_dot(g, os.path.join(OUT_DIR, out_file))
print >> sys.stderr, 'Data file written to: %s' % os.path. join(os.getcwd(), OUT_DIR, out_file)
except (ImportError, UnicodeEncodeError):
# The next block helps to fix a UnicodeEncodeError that occurs in write_dot.
dot = ['"%s" -> "%s" [tweet_id+%s]' % (n1, n2, g[n1][n2]['tweet_id'])
for (n1, n2) in g.edges()]
f = codecs.open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), OUT_DIR, out_file), 'w', encoding='utf-8')
f.write('''strict digraph {
}''' % (';\n'.join(dot), ))
print >> sys.stderr, 'Data file written to: %s' % f.name
return f.name
# Writes out an HTML page that can be opened in the browser
# that displays a graph
def write_protovis_output(g, out_file):
nodes = g.nodes()
indexed_nodes = {}
idx = 0
for n in nodes:
indexed_nodes.update([(n, idx,)])
idx += 1
links = []
for n1, n2 in g.edges():
links.append({'source' : indexed_nodes[n2],
'target' : indexed_nodes[n1]})
json_data = json.dumps({"nodes" : [{"nodeName" : n} for n in nodes], "links" : links}, indent=4)
html = open(HTML_TEMPLATE).read() % (json_data,)
if not os.path.isdir(OUT_DIR):
f = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), OUT_DIR, out_file + ".html"), 'w')
print >> sys.stderr, 'Data file written to: %s' % f.name
return f.name
# Given a tweet, pull out any retweet origins in it and return as a list
def get_rt_origins(tweet):
# Regex adapted from
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/655903/python-regular-expression-for-retweets
rt_patterns = re.compile(r"(RT|via)((?:\b\W*@\w+)+)", re.IGNORECASE)
rt_origins = []
rt_origins += [mention.strip() for mention in rt_patterns.findall(tweet)[0][1].split()]
except IndexError, e:
return [rto.strip("@") for rto in rt_origins]
# Get some search results for a query
twitter_search = twitter.Twitter(domain="search.twitter.com")
search_results = []
for page in range(1,6):
search_results.append(twitter_search.search(q=Q, rpp=100, page=page))
# Build up a graph data structure
g = nx.DiGraph()
all_tweets = [tweet for page in search_results for tweet in page['results']]
for tweet in all_tweets:
rt_origins = get_rt_origins(tweet['text'])
if not rt_origins:
for rt_origin in rt_origins:
g.add_edge(rt_origin, tweet['from_user'], {'tweet_id': tweet['id']})
# Print out some stats
print >> sys.stderr, "Number nodes:", g.number_of_nodes()
print >> sys.stderr, "Num edges:", g.number_of_edges()
print >> sys.stderr, "Num connected components:", len(nx.connected_components(g.to_undirected()))
print >> sys.stderr, "Node degrees:", sorted(nx.degree(g))
# Write Graphviz output
write_dot_output(g, OUT)
# Write Protovis output and open in browser
protovis_output = write_protovis_output(g, OUT)
webbrowser.open('file://' + protovis_output)