好的,所以我已经编写了这个脚本,它可以让我找到但是它不能正常工作。我遇到了编程问题 - 对其进行编程以使其正常工作。它似乎无法正常工作。

此函数在显示在充满银行对帐单付款的数据库中的每一行上声明。这$a, $b, $c, $d只是类型(BAC、TRS 等)、描述(35 QUEENS ROAD RENT)和金额(500.00 英镑)。



   function reconcile($a,$b,$c,$d) {

    //when the user clicks on the text fild, jquery loads the various names needed from the database
    //when the user clicks on the selected field, the value is saved via ajax and saved on the server the reconciled field

    //break down the inputs into an array
    //create SQL query that matches all of these key words

    //create keywords database
    $keywords = $a . " " . $b . " " . $c . " " . $d;

    //remove commas, dashes and other keywords from database that might be a nuisance
    //change names like ave to avenue
    $keywords = str_replace("'", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace("-", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace(",", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace("A/C", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace("TO", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace("CALL", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace("REF.NO.", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace("TO", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $keywords);
    $keywords = str_replace("  ", "", $keywords);
    $keywords = addslashes($keywords);
    $keywords = mysql_real_escape_string($keywords);

    $keywords = explode(" ", $keywords);
    //$keywords = remove_from_array($keywords, 2);

    //match keywords to keywords database

    $matches = array();

    //search 5 databases...


    foreach($keywords as $keyword) {

        //add more fields
        //check distinct

        //do not allow any keywords that are smaller than 3
        if(strlen($keyword) < 3) {

        $get = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT `users`.`id` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `addresses` ON `users`.`id` = `addresses`.`user` WHERE (`users`.`fname` LIKE '%$keyword%' OR `users`.`lname` LIKE '%$keyword%') OR (((`addresses`.`flat` LIKE '%$keyword%' OR `addresses`.`address` LIKE '%$keyword%') OR (`addresses`.`district` LIKE '%$keyword%' OR `addresses`.`town` LIKE '%$keyword%')) OR (`addresses`.`county` LIKE '%$keyword%' OR `addresses`.`postcode` LIKE '%$keyword%'));") or die("Error: " . mysql_error());
        if(mysql_num_rows($get) > 0) {
            while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($get)) {
                list($uid) = $fetch; //$uid = user id
                //insert $uid into array
                //1 => 3 times
                //find number if exists and then add to that number

                //search array and echo attempts (if any)

                if(in_array($uid, $matches)) {
                    //add one to the key
                } else {
                    array_push($matches, $uid);


                //save search to database


            //create array for user
            //add up relevance for that user



    $relevance = 0;

    if($i > $relevance) {
        //change javascript function and link with ajax.php
        echo "<span onClick=\"javascript:void(0)\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" class=\"label label-success\">Accept</span>\n\r";
        //change to jquery function that allows a drop down of names from the database
        echo "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width:140px\" value=\"" . $matches[0] . "\" />\n\r";



[0] (user id) => 3 (how many times that user id is found through one row of a bank statement)

因此,例如,如果用户 3 在 37 Kings Avenue 拥有一处房产,并且关键字是“大道”,[3] => 1那么对于额外的用户,结果将是依此类推。



2 回答 2


如果你想从你的数据库/表/视图中搜索一些数据,你可以使用SQLyog 的 数据搜索功能。它在您的服务器中搜索数据。它像谷歌搜索一样工作!“数据搜索”功能让您无需实际编写任何 SQL 即可查找特定数据。您可以按数据库或表的数据类型/子集过滤数据。

您可以尝试下载30 天试用版并评估此 MySQL GUI。


于 2012-07-02T17:43:10.100 回答



如果你想要它真的很简单,我建议使用 MySQL 插件SphinxSE,它可以让你像普通的 mysql 表一样查询它,并连接到原始表以便于访问。

如果您使用gentoo ,您可以使用这个ebuild简单地添加带有插件的 mysql

于 2012-07-02T20:07:31.270 回答