var amount = x;
var maxPerGroup = y;
var amountGroups = Ceiling(amount/maxPerGroup);
有人可以帮助我如何将 Amount 拆分为 AmountGroups,每组 maxAmount 的最大数量是多少?这些组的大小必须几乎相同。
例如:金额 = 45;maxPerGroup = 15; 数量组 = 3;
结果:15 15 15
我使用 C# 作为语言。
number of groups := ceiling(total / max group size)
number per group := floor(total / number of groups)
rem = total % number per group
您将拥有带有 的rem
组和带有number per group + 1
的number of groups - rem
组number per group
total := 50
max group size := 15
number of groups := ceiling(50 / 15) // 4
number per group := floor(50 / 4) // 12
rem := 50 % 12 // 2
2 组 13 组和 2 组 12 组。
static void Main(string[] args)
List<int> list1 = Split1(48, 15); // result is: 15, 15, 15, 3
List<int> list2 = Split2(48, 15); // result is 12, 12, 12, 12
public static List<int> Split1 (int amount, int maxPerGroup)
int amountGroups = amount / maxPerGroup;
if (amountGroups * maxPerGroup < amount)
List<int> result = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < amountGroups; i++)
result.Add(Math.Min(maxPerGroup, amount));
amount -= Math.Min(maxPerGroup, amount);
return result;
public static List<int> Split2 (int amount, int maxPerGroup)
int amountGroups = amount / maxPerGroup;
if (amountGroups * maxPerGroup < amount)
int groupsLeft = amountGroups;
List<int> result = new List<int>();
while (amount > 0)
int nextGroupValue = amount / groupsLeft;
if (nextGroupValue * groupsLeft < amount)
amount -= nextGroupValue;
return result;
int i = amount;
int j = 0;
int [] groups = new int[amountGroups];
while(i > 0) {
groups[j] += 1;
j = (j+1)%amountGroups;
注意 不是精确的 c# 只是为了给你一个想法。
所以假设 x = 30 y = 15. 30/15 = 3 组 15 并且假设 x= 43 那么数字应该是这样的?14 14 15
groups (since you already have this calculated correctly)(should be a double)
// maxPerGroup = y
membersPerGroup = floor(amount/groups)
List a = new List
//Is the leftover value of the modulus
leftover = amount%groups;
//Loops for each group
for(int i=0;i<groups;i++){
//If there is a left over value
a.Add(membersPerGroup +1);
a.Add(membersPerGroup );
我可以用正确的 c# 编写,但您似乎找到了正确的代码
private static int[] DistributeIntoGroups(int sum, int groupsCount)
var baseCount = sum / groupsCount;
var leftover = sum % groupsCount;
var groups = new int[groupsCount];
for (var i = 0; i < groupsCount; i++)
groups[i] = baseCount;
if (leftover > 0)
return groups;
// For separating a collection into ranges
static List<List<T>> Split<T>(List<T> source, int size)
// TODO: Prepopulate with the right capacity
List<List<T>> ret = new List<List<T>>();
for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i += size)
ret.Add(source.GetRange(i, Math.Min(size, source.Count - i)));
return ret;
// For separating an int into a Tuple range
static List<Tuple<int, int>> Split(int source, int size)
var ret = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
for (int i = 0; i < source; i += size)
ret.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(i, (i + Math.Min(size, source - i))));
return ret;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// I wanted to get count from a datagridview (x)
// and then split into groups based on the
// count from a combobox (n). In my example my
// grid had 1771 rows and was split into: 25 groups
// (4x of 70 and 21x of 71)
// Driver code
int x = myDataGridView.Rows.Count; //1771
int n = assemblies_cmbbox.Items.Count; //25
split(x, n);
//split(amount, maxPerGroup);
// Function that prints
// the required sequence
private void split(int x, int n)
// If we cannot split the
// number into exactly 'N' parts
if (x < n)
Debug.WriteLine("-1 ");
// If x % n == 0 then the minimum
// difference is 0 and all
// numbers are x / n
else if (x % n == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Debug.WriteLine((x / n) + " ");
// upto n-(x % n) the values
// will be x / n
// after that the values
// will be x / n + 1
int zp = n - (x % n);
int pp = x / n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i >= zp)
Debug.WriteLine((pp + 1) + " ");
Debug.WriteLine(pp + " ");
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<int> results = DistributeInteger(20, 3).ToList();//output: 7,7,6
foreach (var result in results)
public static IEnumerable<int> DistributeInteger(int total, int divider)
if (divider == 0)
yield return 0;
int rest = total % divider;
double result = total / (double)divider;
for (int i = 0; i < divider; i++)
if (rest-- > 0)
yield return (int)Math.Ceiling(result);
yield return (int)Math.Floor(result);
int amount = x;
int maxPerGroup = y;
int amountGroups = new int[Ceiling(amount/maxPerGroup)];
for(int i=0; i<maxPerGroup; i++)
amountGroups[i]= maxPerGroup;
x = x-maxPerGroup;
amountGroups[i] = x;
x =0;