我正在为 iPhone 和 iPad 开发一个应用程序。在这里,我想以(0.5)时间间隔在 uiwebview 中加载一个 url。完成网页视图的加载后,我想导航到下一个视图。我已经通过将导航编码添加到 [webViewDidFinishLoad:] 来实现这一点,它工作正常。现在,我的客户需要在视图中添加一个按钮来导航,如果用户不感兴趣在 web 视图中停留 (0.5 ) 秒。

  • 我应该在延迟后使用单独的(选择器:) 动作:0.5 和圆形矩形按钮吗?

     if it so, how can i implement this,
     I googled it, but could not find the solution. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

2 回答 2



timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 5.0
                                             target: self
                                           selector: @selector(goToNextView)
                                           userInfo: nil
                                            repeats: NO];  
    // here i have set the time interval of '5.0' and after that taking into next view.


     newtest15 *nt=[[newtest15 alloc]init];

     [self.navigationController pushViewController:nt animated:YES];



if ( [timer isValid]) 

            [timer invalidate], timer=nil;


    newtest15 *nt=[[newtest15 alloc]init];
     [self.navigationController pushViewController:nt animated:YES];


/* here, when the user wants to move to next view before the time interval of '5', and presses the button at the bottom, this action will be performed, it will invalidate the timer and navigate to the next view*/
于 2012-07-03T06:42:29.893 回答

您可以在 viewdidload 方法中实现 performSelector: withObject: afterDelay: 0.5 sec。然后定义一个显示警报消息按钮的方法留在外面或离开页面。然后在警报视图按钮上进行一些编码

于 2012-07-02T06:55:51.237 回答