我使用 Ogre3D 作为图形引擎。

我手动创建了一个工作正常的网格,uvs 是正确的并且设置为表示网格坐标(对于这个例子,网格是 10 x 10)


我的问题是,即使将过滤设置为无,颜色似乎也与我的原始图像不同(这只是我使用的测试图像,因为我在食人魔中手动创建纹理时遇到问题)。事实证明,问题不在于我在 ogre 中的代码,而更可能与材质文件或片段/顶点程序有关。

我还包括左侧输出的屏幕截图和右侧的原始图像。片段着色器还在顶部绘制了一个简单的网格,因此我可以确保正确传递 uv 坐标。他们似乎是。




// CG Vertex shader definition
vertex_program PlainTexture_VS cg            
    // Look in this source file for shader code
    source GameObjStandard.cg
    // Use this function for the vertex shader            
    entry_point main_plain_texture_vp    
    // Compile the shader to vs_1_1 format    
    profiles arbvp1       

    // This block saves us from manually setting parameters in code
        // Ogre will put the worldviewproj into our 'worldViewProj' parameter for us.
        param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix        
        // Note that 'worldViewProj' is a parameter in the cg code.

// CG Pixel shader definition
fragment_program PlainTexture_PS cg            
    // Look in this source file for shader code
    source GameObjStandard.cg        
    // Use this function for the pixel shader    
    entry_point main_plain_texture_fp    
    // Compile to ps_1_1 format    
    profiles arbfp1             

material PlainTexture
    // Material has one technique
        // This technique has one pass
            // Make this pass use the vertex shader defined above
            vertex_program_ref PlainTexture_VS    
            // Make this pass use the pixel shader defined above
            fragment_program_ref PlainTexture_PS    
            texture_unit 0
                filtering none
                // This pass will use this 2D texture as its input
                texture test.png 2d        
            texture_unit 1
                texture textureatlas.png 2d
                tex_address_mode clamp
                filtering none


void main_plain_texture_vp(
    // Vertex Inputs
    float4 position        : POSITION,    // Vertex position in model space
    float2 texCoord0    : TEXCOORD0,    // Texture UV set 0

    // Outputs
    out float4 oPosition    : POSITION,    // Transformed vertex position
    out float2 uv0        : TEXCOORD0,    // UV0

    // Model Level Inputs
    uniform float4x4 worldViewProj)
    // Calculate output position
    oPosition = mul(worldViewProj, position);

    // Simply copy the input vertex UV to the output
    uv0 = texCoord0;

void main_plain_texture_fp(
    // Pixel Inputs
    float2 uv0        : TEXCOORD0,    // UV interpolated for current pixel

    // Outputs
    out float4 color    : COLOR,    // Output color we want to write

    // Model Level Inputs
    uniform sampler2D Tex0: TEXUNIT0,

uniform sampler2D Tex1: TEXUNIT1)        // Texture we're going to use

//get the index position by truncating the uv coordinates
float2 flooredIndexes = floor(uv0);

if((uv0.x > 0.9 && uv0.x < 1.1)
|| (uv0.x > 1.9 && uv0.x < 2.1)
|| (uv0.x > 2.9 && uv0.x < 3.1)
|| (uv0.x > 3.9 && uv0.x < 4.1)
|| (uv0.x > 4.9 && uv0.x < 5.1)
|| (uv0.x > 5.9 && uv0.x < 6.1)
|| (uv0.x > 6.9 && uv0.x < 7.1)
|| (uv0.x > 7.9 && uv0.x < 8.1)
|| (uv0.x > 8.9 && uv0.x < 9.1)) {
   float4 color1 = {1.0,0,0,0};
   color = color1;
} else if((uv0.y > 0.9 && uv0.y < 1.1)
|| (uv0.y > 1.9 && uv0.y < 2.1)
|| (uv0.y > 2.9 && uv0.y < 3.1)
|| (uv0.y > 3.9 && uv0.y < 4.1)
|| (uv0.y > 4.9 && uv0.y < 5.1)
|| (uv0.y > 5.9 && uv0.y < 6.1)
|| (uv0.y > 6.9 && uv0.y < 7.1)
|| (uv0.y > 7.9 && uv0.y < 8.1)
|| (uv0.y > 8.9 && uv0.y < 9.1)) {
   float4 color1 = {1.0,0,0,0};
   color = color1;
} else {
   //get the colour of the index texture Tex0 at this floored coordinate
   float4 indexColour = tex2D(Tex0, (1.0/10)*flooredIndexes);
   color = indexColour;

1 回答 1



创建任何纹理时,您应该始终将纹理设置为以纹素为单位的大小,2^n * 2^m其中mn是纹理的宽度和高度。这是我的第一个错误,虽然我当时没有意识到。

我没有发现这一点的原因是因为我的主要纹理图集基于此原理,并且是 1024 x 1024 纹理。我没有考虑的是我作为纹理索引创建的纹理的大小。由于我的地图是 10 x 10,我为索引创建了一个 10 x 10 的纹理,这是我假设然后以某种方式拉伸(不确定它在后端如何工作)为 16 x 16 或 8 x 8,混合纹素在一起,因为它做到了。

给我线索的第一件事是,当我在 Photoshop 中缩放画布时,发现它创建的混合颜色与我在 ogre3d 输出中得到的颜色相同。


一旦我弄清楚了这一点,我就可以在 Ogre 中创建纹理并将其传递如下

//Create index material
Ogre::TexturePtr indexTexture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual("indexTexture","General",Ogre::TextureType::TEX_TYPE_2D, 16, 16, 0, Ogre::PixelFormat::PF_BYTE_BGRA, Ogre::TU_DEFAULT);

Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr pixelBuffer = indexTexture->getBuffer();

const Ogre::PixelBox& pixelBox = pixelBuffer->getCurrentLock();
Ogre::uint8* pDest = static_cast<Ogre::uint8*>(pixelBox.data);

Ogre::uint8 counter = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        if(i==8 || i==7) {
    *pDest++ = 3;   // B
    *pDest++ = 0;   // G
    *pDest++ = 0;   // R
    *pDest++ = 0;   // A
    } else {
    *pDest++ = 1;   // B 
    *pDest++ = 0;   // G
    *pDest++ = 0;   // R
    *pDest++ = 0;   // A




Ogre::MaterialPtr material = Ogre::MaterialPtr(Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("PlainTexture"));
float mapSize = 16;
float tas = 2;



// CG Pixel shader definition
fragment_program PlainTexture_PS cg            
    source GameObjStandard.cg    
    entry_point main_plain_texture_fp 
    profiles arbfp1 
    param_named tas float


                    // Make this pass use the vertex shader defined above
    vertex_program_ref PlainTexture_VS    
                    // Make this pass use the pixel shader defined above
    fragment_program_ref PlainTexture_PS    
    texture_unit 0
        filtering none        
texture_unit 1
    texture textureatlas.png 2d
    tex_address_mode clamp
    filtering anisotropic

然后我重写了 cg 纹理片段程序以考虑我所做的更改。

void main_plain_texture_fp(
    float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0,    // UV interpolated for current pixel
    out float4 color    : COLOR,    // Output color we want to write
uniform float tas,
uniform float mapSize,

    // Model Level Inputs
    uniform sampler2D Tex0: TEXUNIT0,
uniform sampler2D Tex1: TEXUNIT1)
//get the index position by truncating the uv coordinates
float2 flooredIndexes = floor(uv0);

//get the colour of the index texture Tex0 at this floored coordinate
float4 indexColour = tex2D(Tex0, ((1.0/mapSize) * flooredIndexes)+(0.5/mapSize));

//calculate the uv offset required for texture atlas range = 0 - 255
float indexValue = (255 * indexColour.b) + (255 * indexColour.g) + (255 * indexColour.r);

//float indexValue = (tas * tas) - indexValue0;

if(indexValue < tas*tas) {
    float row = floor(indexValue/tas);
    float col = frac(indexValue/tas) * tas;

    float uvFraction = 1.0/tas;

    float uBase = col * uvFraction;
    float vBase =  1 - ((tas - row) * uvFraction);

    float uOffset = frac(uv0.x)/tas;
    float vOffset = (frac(uv0.y))/tas;

    float uNew = uBase + uOffset;
    float vNew = vBase + vOffset;

    float2 uvNew = {uNew, vNew};

    if(frac(uv0.x) > 0.99 || frac(uv0.x) < 0.01) {
    float4 color1 = {1,1,1,0};
    color = (0.2*color1) + (0.8*tex2D(Tex1,uvNew));
    } else if(frac(uv0.y) > 0.99 || frac(uv0.y) < 0.01) {
    float4 color1 = {1,1,1,0};
    color = (0.2*color1) + (0.8*tex2D(Tex1,uvNew));
    } else {
    color = tex2D(Tex1,uvNew);

} else {
    float4 color2 = {0.0,0,0,0};
    color = color2;

这会从纹理图集中计算所需的正确纹素,它还会通过组合 80% 纹素颜色和 20% 白色在顶部覆盖一个微弱的网格。


下面是使用 2 x 2 纹理图集的输出示例。


于 2012-07-14T13:37:14.460 回答