我的 matlab 代码进行图像处理,我制作了 matlab 函数,它有 2 个图像作为输入。我编写了一个单独的java 类来执行matlab 的imread 功能,即将jpg 图像读入3D 数组(它是一个RGB 图像)。
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import QRcode_java.*;
import com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.*;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
encoder_class x=null; //encoder_class is the class built from the
//matlab function
Object[] barcode2=null; //output of matlab function
barcode_image_class barcode; //class to imread the jpg image input
barcode= new barcode_image_class();
original_photo_class original_photo;
//class to imread another image input
original_photo= new original_photo_class();
try {
x= new encoder_class();
barcode2=x.encoder_function(barcode, original_photo);
//**ERROR!** /*encoder_function is the matlab function written by me. this line gives an //error as the following:
//"The method encoder_function(List, List) in the type encoder_class
//is not applicable for the arguments (barcode_image_class, original_photo_class)"*/
} catch (MWException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block