Objective-C 中的标准方法是创建NSArray(or NSMutableArray)
(or NSMutableArray
NSMutableArray* cubeGrid = [NSMutableArray new]; // Note that this code assumes you are using ARC.
// add row 1
NSMutableArray* cubeRow1 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:cube1,cube2,cube3,nil]; // you will need to add cube 4 to 10 in the real code
[cubeGrid addObject:cubeRow1];
// add row 2
NSMutableArray* cubeRow2 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:cube11,cube12,cube13,nil]; // you will need to add cube 14 to 20 in the real code
[cubeGrid addObject:cubeRow2];
// and you will create the rest of the rows and add to the cubeGrid array
for (id cubeRow in cubeGrid) {
if ([cubeRow isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
for (id cube in (NSArray*)cubeRow) {
if ([cube isKindOfClass:[Cube class]]) {
// Do things with cube