我正在尝试从字符串中提取压缩的十六进制数字。我的应用程序正在与一个服务器通信,该服务器发送一个带有标头的字符串,后跟 2 字节打包的十六进制数字。这个字符串中有数千个数字。
我想要做的是提取每个 2 字节压缩数字,并将其转换为我可以用来执行计算的数字。
示例:string = "info:\x00\x00\x11\x11\x22\x22"
(十进制 0)、0x1111
(十进制 4369)、0x2222
(十进制 8738)
//Works but is too slow!
//$string has the data from the server
$arrayIndex = 0;
for($index = [start of data]; $index < strlen($string); $index+=2){
$value = getNum($string, $index, $index+1);
$array[$arrayIndex++] = $value;
function getNum($string, $start, $end){
//get the substring we're interested in transforming
$builder = substr($string, $start, $end-$start+1);
//convert into hex string
$array = unpack("H*data", $builder);
$answer = $array["data"];
//return the value as a number
return hexdec($answer);
//Not working alternate method
//discard the header (in this case 18 bytes) and put the rest of the
//number values I'm interested in into an array
$unpacked = unpack("c18char/H2*data", $value);
for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i+=1){
$data = $unpacked["data".$i];
$array[$i] = $data;