我正在使用 ActionBarSherlock 的 FragmentsTabPager 示例来创建一个界面,在该界面中,可以通过滑动而不是单击选项卡来翻页。我的问题是这些选项卡之一包含一个列表视图。单击此列表视图时,将启动包含新列表(具有基于单击的项目的数据)的不同片段。我该如何做到这一点?
我想你可能需要我的 BaseActivity 中的一些内容(带有 ViewPager 和 TabsAdapter 的那个
public class BaseActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity {
TabHost mTabHost;
ViewPager mViewPager;
TabsAdapter mTabsAdapter;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mTabHost = (TabHost)findViewById(android.R.id.tabhost);
mViewPager = (ViewPager)findViewById(R.id.pager);
mTabsAdapter = new TabsAdapter(this, mTabHost, mViewPager);
FragmentStackSupport.CountingFragment.class, null);
PlayerRankingFragment.class, null);
FederationRanksFragment.class, null);
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
* This is a helper class that implements the management of tabs and all
* details of connecting a ViewPager with associated TabHost. It relies on a
* trick. Normally a tab host has a simple API for supplying a View or
* Intent that each tab will show. This is not sufficient for switching
* between pages. So instead we make the content part of the tab host
* 0dp high (it is not shown) and the TabsAdapter supplies its own dummy
* view to show as the tab content. It listens to changes in tabs, and takes
* care of switch to the correct paged in the ViewPager whenever the selected
* tab changes.
public static class TabsAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter
implements TabHost.OnTabChangeListener, ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener {
private final Context mContext;
private final TabHost mTabHost;
private final ViewPager mViewPager;
private final ArrayList<TabInfo> mTabs = new ArrayList<TabInfo>();
static final class TabInfo {
private final String tag;
private final Class<?> clss;
private final Bundle args;
TabInfo(String _tag, Class<?> _class, Bundle _args) {
tag = _tag;
clss = _class;
args = _args;
BaseActivity -> 选项卡“Teams” -> Teams ListView(AllianceFragment) -> Teams Item Clicked -> Players ListView(PlayersFragment)。