我需要从 bmp 中获取宽度和高度值,以便稍后在位图中从原始像素数据创建 gdk 像素图时将它们作为参数传递。我对 BMP 格式做了一些研究,文件头应该是这样的:
struct Fileheader
unsigned short Type; // signature - 'BM'
unsigned long Size; // file size in bytes
unsigned short Reserved1; // 0
unsigned short Reserved2; // 0
unsigned long OffBits; // offset to bitmap
unsigned long StructSize; // size of this struct (40)
unsigned long Width; // bmap width in pixels
unsigned long Height; // bmap height in pixels
unsigned short Planes; // num planes - always 1
unsigned short BitCount; // bits per pixel
unsigned long Compression; // compression flag
unsigned long SizeImage; // image size in bytes
long XPelsPerMeter; // horz resolution
long YPelsPerMeter; // vert resolution
unsigned long ClrUsed; // 0 -> color table size
unsigned long ClrImportant; // important color count
Size=Width=Height=Planes=BitCount=Compression=SizeImage=XPelsPerMeter= YPelsPerMeter=ClrUsed=ClrImportant=Type=StructSize=Reserved1=Reserved2=OffBits=0;}
在以标准方式将 blob 提取到 row[0] 后
Fileheader fh;
memcpy(&fh, row[0], sizeof(Fileheader));
cout << "width: " << fh.Width << ", height: " << fh.Height << endl;
有人看到这里有什么问题吗?顺便说一句,我在一个 64 位的 linux 盒子上。