整个项目的上下文菜单操作“团队 -> 与存储库同步”和“团队 -> 更新”的快捷方式是什么?




5 回答 5


正如 john.k.doe 所指出的那样,这是正确的解决方案,但您还需要执行其他操作才能使快捷方式真正起作用,即转到 Window > Customize Perspective > Command Groups Availability 并选中 SVN 框; )

于 2014-03-11T20:11:28.313 回答


  1. 转到首选项类型“键”或转到常规 - >键
  2. 在您单击“键”时显示的字段中
  3. 在左窗格中,键入您有兴趣为其设置快捷方式的命令:

下图来自我的 mac,但它在 windows/linux 上的工作方式相同,您只需选择 Cmd-Y 以外的其他东西作为快捷方式修饰符。User 下的 U 表示我是添加该修改的人。


于 2012-07-02T11:12:25.170 回答

我编写了一个小型 Eclipse 插件,它在 Package Explorer 中选择活动项目,以便您可以在其上执行其他操作(如“与 repo 同步”和“更新”)。我认为与编写一个选择项目并执行预定义操作的插件相比,这种方法更灵活。

您可以在http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/eclipse-tweaks/downloads/list获得该插件,它被命名为“com.xakcop.select”。下载它并将其放在 Eclipse 安装的 dropins/ 文件夹中。然后当你重新启动 Eclipse 时,你会Select projectWindows->Preferences->Keys. 默认键绑定是Ctrl+Shift+Backspace,但您可以将其更改为您想要的任何内容。

当您在 Java 编辑器中时,只需按Ctrl+Shift+Backspace,这将在 Package Explorer 中选择当前文件所属的项目。然后按“与存储库同步”的快捷方式,您就完成了。


于 2012-07-02T14:06:22.887 回答




于 2012-07-02T11:29:38.357 回答

From my point of view, the problem is the focus of the commands you execute. The Team commands Snychronize and Update are executed on the current object (In my case). As you noticed, when you execute the command on the project, the project is synchonized - when you do it on a file, only the file is synchronized.

What I did as workaround is the following: I created Key-Bindings for the commands Show in (Navigator) (Alt-N), Go to (Alt-G), and Show View (Naviator) (CTRL+SHIFT+Q, N). With Alt-N I show the current File in the Navigator. I can then use the keys to navigate to the root that I want to synchronize (it's not always the whole project for me). If the root is to far away I use Alt-G and type the Project or Folder where I want to go to and execute afterwards the Synchronize commands. (Go to works only in the current view)

If you have selected the Project once you just have to switch to the navigator (Show View command) and execute your synchronize commands.

You could also use rgerganov's plugin then you would not have to execute as many commands. The procedure works also with other views (package explorer, project explorer)

What about this approach? It should also work for other SCM's or commands you want to execute on any object in the explorer views.

于 2012-07-06T06:19:05.510 回答