我正在从 foreach 循环中填充复选框列表,并为每个复选框提供一个 ID。我在下面添加了一组会出现的 div,具体取决于创建的复选框。我在想我可以将 id 变量加载到 jQuery if 语句中,然后使用 .toggle 来显示或隐藏相应的 div。
//Call Programs
$getPrograms = Doctrine::getTable('Program')->createQuery()->where('subsection=?', 'mfa')->orWhere('subsection=?', 'mps')->orWhere('subsection=?', 'mat')->orWhere('subsection=?', 'ma')->orderBy('title ASC')->execute(); ?>
<div class="form_row">
<span><sup class="required_form_item">*</sup>Select Program</span>
<div class="buttonColumn" style="margin-left:170px;">
//loop the records in with checkboxes
<?php foreach ($getPrograms as $prog): ?>
$subsection = $prog->getSubsection();
$subsection = strtoupper($subsection);
$trimProg = trim($prog->getTitle(), ' ');
$removeChars = array(" ", "&");
$trimProg = str_replace( $removeChars, '', $trimProg );
$trimProg = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', '_', $trimProg);
//custin id matches record title
<input type="checkbox" name="program" class="isChecked" id="<?php echo $trimProg; ?>" value="<?php echo $subsection . " " . $prog->getTitle() ?>" /><?php echo $subsection . " " . $prog->getTitle() ?><br />
<?php endforeach ?>
在选中匹配的复选框之前,以下 div 将设置为 display:none。
<div class="form_row sessionTime" id="Program1" style="display:none;">
Please choose an session time:
<input type="checkbox" name="schedule" value="5:00 pm" />5:00 pm<br />
<div class="form_row sessionTime" id="program2" style="display:none;">
Please choose an session time:
<input type="checkbox" name="schedule" value="10:00 pm" />10:00 pm<br />
$('.isChecked').click( function() {
if ( $(this).is(':checked') ) {
$thisID = $(this).attr("id");
$('.'+ $thisID).show();
else {
$('.'+ $thisID).hide();