我有兴趣构建一个小型离线 web 应用程序,我正在寻找一些建议。这是我想要它做的基础知识
- 创建最初只有名称和文本字段的报告
- 列出、编辑和删除这些笔记
- 理想情况下,我想稍后在报告中添加更多字段
localstorage 是在本地存储此类数据的好选择吗?如果是这样,任何人都可以指导我在javascript中与它交互的命令的完整列表吗?例如 setItem、getItem 等。
我有兴趣构建一个小型离线 web 应用程序,我正在寻找一些建议。这是我想要它做的基础知识
localstorage 是在本地存储此类数据的好选择吗?如果是这样,任何人都可以指导我在javascript中与它交互的命令的完整列表吗?例如 setItem、getItem 等。
localstorage will work just fine for this, but don't think of it as a robust solution.. It's just a basic key/value store and won't be very performant with thousands of complex things going on.
Check out the excellent Dive into HTML5 guide on localstorage: http://diveintohtml5.info/storage.html
Yes localstorage would be perfect for you application. It would allow your application to have no need to connect to a server at all. Keep in mind that local storage does have maximums on the amount of data that can be stored.
Using JSON.stringify()
on can convert complex javascript objects to json which can be storage and retrieved with ease inside of local storage.