我想知道对于 android 平台的单声道是否有任何 AOT 编译选项(或任何计划?)。我问这个是因为我将使用单声道为 android 移植游戏,性能非常重要,这就是为什么我想知道 AOT 编译是否可用(或任何其他可以产生更好性能的编译选项)我知道 Monotouch 使用AOT 编译,并且它可以选择使用 llvm 作为编译器以进行一些优化。所以,我想知道对于 android 是否有相同的选项。



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AOT is not available in Mono for Android, I don't think it is on the road-map either.

As far as I understand JIT is not slower than AOT, rather the contrary, because JIT can use the information it knows about the environment it runs on to optimize code to it. An AOT compiler cannot know everything about the same environment.

This thread: Why is Java faster when using a JIT vs. compiling to machine code? has some answers that elaborates on this.

So I really doubt that you would get any performance improvements if there were an AOT compiler.

于 2012-06-24T20:00:54.390 回答