before writing this I looked at other post but have not found any solution, I would appreciate your help.
In the onCreate method of the class of the application launcher creates a thread TCPServer and display a table with information. The problem is that this information varies and must be updated when the thread detects TCPServer have sent a new message control.
Then I show the code if I expressed myself well.
//launcher class
public class profesor extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
static TableLayout alumnsTable;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Thread serverThread = new Thread(null, new TCPServer(), "BackgroundService");
//information is added to the table
alumnsTable = (TableLayout)findViewById(;
List<Alumnos> listaAlumnos = Alumnos.ReadList();
for(Alumnos al:listaAlumnos){
//Eliminates the above information and reloads the table with the new information
public void actualiza(){
alumnsTable = (TableLayout)findViewById(;
List<Alumnos> listaAlumnos = Alumnos.ReadList();
for(Alumnos al:listaAlumnos){
//TCPServer class
public class TCPServer implements Runnable {
private static Handler handler = new Handler();
public void run() {
ServerSocket serverSocket;
String file;
int filesizeMb = 4;
int filesize = filesizeMb * (1024 * 1024); // filesize temporary hardcoded
int bytesRead;
int current = 0;
try {
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(profesor.COMUNICATION_PORT);
Log.d(profesor.LOG_TAG,"S: Servidor Iniciado.");
while (true) {
final Socket sock = serverSocket.accept();
String ClientAddr=sock.getInetAddress().toString();
ClientAddr = ClientAddr.substring(ClientAddr.indexOf('/') + 1, ClientAddr.length());
final String contacto=DeviceList.getDeviceName(ClientAddr);
Log.d(profesor.LOG_TAG,"S: Conectado con: " + ClientAddr);
// Conection type
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
final String connectionType =dis.readUTF();
Log.d(profesor.LOG_TAG,"S: Tipo de Conexion " + connectionType);
if (connectionType.contains("CONTROL")) {
String ControlText =dis.readUTF();
String[] Control = ControlText.split(":");
Log.d(profesor.LOG_TAG,"S: Recibido nuevo progreso de prueba. IP: "+Alumnos.getIdAlumno(ClientAddr)+"->"+Integer.parseInt(Control[0])+" ->"+Integer.parseInt(Control[1]));
Alumnos.setProgress(Alumnos.getIdAlumno(ClientAddr), Integer.parseInt(Control[0]), Integer.parseInt(Control[1]));
//Here is where I need to call the update method of the
//class teacher to delete the old data and fill the table
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d(profesor.LOG_TAG, "IOException"+e);
Can anyone give me some idea?, I have seen examples handlers but not in a class declaration and the call in another.
I hope that you understand what I mean, my English is not very good.
Thanks for the help