I have found some similar Que's on SO but had not find the solution.

I have today's Date as following: (Let's say this as Date1 and it's value as 2012-06-22)

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    SimpleDateFormat dateformatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Date start = cal.getTime();
    String currentDate=dateformatter.format(start);

I'm retrieving 4 values from the user:

  • Particular Date (Assume 5)
  • Particular Month (Assume 1)
  • Particular Year (Assume 2012)
  • No. of days (Assume 7)

So this date, say Date2 becomes 2012-01-05 (yyyy-MM-dd) along with No. of days set to 7.

I want to compare Date 1 and Date 2-No. of days.

I know that by using following snippet, particular no. of days can be subtracted from a calender instance.

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -7);

But since I'm having Date2 in form of String, I'm not able to follow this approach.

Any help appreciated.


From your suggestions, I'll be able to convert String to Date by using parse method of SimpleDateFormat.

Now I've 2 Date Objects.

  • How do I find Difference between them in terms of days, months, and years?
  • How to Subtract particular no. of days, say 7, from a particular date, say 2012-01-05?

4 回答 4




现在减去天说7。你可以得到日期的时间并从中减去7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

     long daybeforeLong = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
try {

Date todayDate = new Date();

long nowLong = todayDate.getTime();

Date beforeDate = new Date((nowLong - daybeforeLong));


catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
于 2012-06-22T13:08:54.377 回答


例如 :

Date parsedDate  = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2012-01-05");
于 2012-06-22T08:42:16.957 回答

如果您可以使用Joda Time代替Date/ Calendar,请这样做。它会让你的生活更轻松。

如果不是,听起来您不想格式化当前日期 - 相反,您想从用户那里解析 Date2

Date date2 = dateFormatter.parse(text);

然后您可以创建一个日历并减去特定的天数,或者(如果您正在谈论经过的时间 - 您需要考虑您在此处围绕 DST 转换和时区的行为)您可以只减去 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 毫秒,从date2.getTime().

从根本上说,您应该尽可能早地转换字符串格式,并且仅在您真正需要时转换为字符串格式 - 当然不是为了比较。此数据的自然表示是DateCalendar(假设您坚持使用 JDK),因此请努力将您的数据转换为该表示。


  • 您想将当前日期与用户给出的日期进行比较,还是将当前日期和时间与用户给出的日期进行比较?
  • 您想为用户输入使用哪个时区?
  • 您是在考虑经过的天数还是“逻辑”天数?因为由于 DST 转换,早于 1.30am 的 7 * 24 小时可能是 2.30am 或反之亦然


于 2012-06-22T08:43:51.597 回答

我认为您可以使用 java 提供的 Comparator 来比较和排序日期。这是链接


于 2012-06-22T08:44:07.460 回答