scene (touch delegate)
batchNode (places)
batchNode (characters)
layer (input)
batchNode (places)
batchNode (characters)
- 将字符batchnode的位置设置为对应位置的位置。如果您只在该位置批处理字符,则此方法有效。
- 如果您想对所有相同的字符进行批处理而不考虑位置,您可以将“虚拟”CCSprites(使用一个微小的、完全透明的图像)添加到批处理节点并将每个字符定位到特定位置的位置。然后将这个地方的角色添加为这个精灵的孩子。如果角色从一个地方移动到另一个地方,请将它们从一个虚拟精灵中移除,并将它们添加到相应的另一个虚拟精灵中。
Finally, you can always create helper methods that transform the position of a sprite to local coordinates based on the place they're in. That way you don't need any specially setup node hierarchy and you can still work with local coordinates where necessary. If you do that, you may find that whether you use local or world coordinates doesn't really make much of a difference. World coordinates are simply character position plus place position, a simple addition/subtraction gets you from world to local coordinates and vice versa.