我的问题是:有没有办法创建自定义模型表单,该表单将使用相关模型中的指定字段而不是相关模型的 id?


class ModelOne(models.Model):
  id = models.AutoField(primary_key = True)
  name = models.CharField(unique = True, blank = False, null = False)

class ModelTwo(models.Model):
  id = models.AutoField(primary_key = True)
  parent = models.ForeignKey(ModelOne, blank = False, null = False)
  attribute_1 = models.CharField(blank = False, null = False)
  attribute_2 = models.IntegerField(blank = False, null = False)

现在,如果我使用 ModelForm 在 ModelTwo 上创建一个 UpdateView,那么父字段将预填充来自 ModelOne 的相应 id。但是我希望它显示 ModelOne 的 name 属性,然后在表单提交时将唯一名称(ModelOne)解析为 ModelOne 的相应实例。我想这样做的原因是,我相信从用户的角度来看,处理 ModelOne 的名称(更新 ModelTwo 实例时)而不是它的“id”更直观。



2 回答 2


首先,尝试在 ModelOne 上定义unicode方法。它可能不适用于解决方案,但值得拥有 - 它将驱动表单选择小部件中的文本值......

def __unicode__(self):
    '''Warning: be careful not to use related objects here,
    could cause unwanted DB hits when debugging/logging
    return self.name


class M2Form(forms.ModelForm):
    m1_name = forms.CharField()

    class Meta:
        model = ModelTwo

    def save(self, *args, **kw):
        # Update your name field here, something like
        if self.cleaned_data.get('m1_name'):
            self.instance.parent = ModelOne.objects.get(name=self.cleaned_data.get('m1_name'))
            return super(M2Form, self).save(*args, **kw)


于 2012-06-20T00:59:48.323 回答

以 Rog 的回答为起点,深入研究 Django 的一些内部结构,我最终找到了一个可行的解决方案。鉴于我的 Django 知识水平,我想有更好的方法来做到这一点;因此,如果您有其他方法,请添加它。


class CustomForm(forms.ModelForm):
    parent = models.CharField(label='Name')

    class Meta:
       model = ModelTwo
       exclude = ['parent']

    def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
       # The line of code below is the one that I was looking for. It pre-populates 
       # the "parent" field of the form with the "name" attribute of the related 
       # ModelOne instance.
       kwargs['initial']['parent'] = kwargs['instance'].parent.name
       # The next line is for convenience and orders the form fields in our desired 
       # order. I got this tip from: 
       # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/913589/django-forms-inheritance-and-order-of-form-fields
       self.fields.keyOrder = ['parent','attribute_1','attribute_2']

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
       if self.cleaned_data.get('parent'):
       # This section of code is important because we need to convert back from the 
       # unique 'name' attribute of ModelOne to the corresponding instance so that
       # ModelTwo can be saved. Thanks goes to Rog for this section of code.
           self.instance.parent = ModelOne.objects.get(name=self.cleaned_data.get('parent'))
           return super(CustomForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
于 2012-06-21T01:33:05.510 回答