我有一些包含几百到几千行的 excel 电子表格。每行代表以一秒为间隔进行的一组测量。

我想为每一行使用 3 色条件格式。我可以通过将“适用于”设置为以下内容来为 3 种颜色设置单行:


但是,如果我尝试复制格式然后将其应用于多行(例如 B3:M400),它会将整个块(从 B3 到 M400 的所有单元格)视为单个条件格式,因此每个单元格都根据到所有其他细胞。我正在寻找的是一种将 3 色条件格式分别应用于许多行的每一行的方法。

例如,在此处链接的图像中:http: //electriceptor.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/screen-shot-2012-04-30-at-11-53-36-pm.png (对不起,我'我太新了,不能发布图像),每一行都有一个单独的 3 色格式,我手动应用于每一行。

但是,如果我复制一行并将格式粘贴到同一个 7 行块中,它看起来像这样的图像:http ://electriceptor.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/screen-shot-2012-04- 30-at-11-56-42-pm.png




2 回答 2


由于 3 色条件格式不接受相对引用(无论您如何尝试使用 、 等“欺骗”Excel INDIRECTADDRESS,您最好的选择是使用此处的方法(示例是 2 色格式):https://superuser.com/questions/350378/excel-2007-conditional-formatting-so-that-each-row-shows-low-values-yellow-hig


Sub NewCF()
    For Each r In Selection.Rows
    r.PasteSpecial (xlPasteFormats)
Next r
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Also, there's no limit to the number of conditional formatting rules (at least in Excel 2010), but the more you have, the more potential there is for a negative impact on performance. You'll just have to try it and see. In the worst-case scenario, I would make 3-10 (or however many you can stand to make) individual rules based on a formula to create a "gradient", but this may be just as cpu-intensive.

于 2012-05-01T12:04:10.450 回答

I've just tried using the fill handle on a cell with conditional formatting e.g. =COUNTIF(C2,"Yes")=1 then applies to $A2 and then selected that cell and dragged the fill handle - it adds the conditional formatting to each row automatically! jippee!

于 2013-01-04T10:27:08.120 回答