So basically I am thinking about attempting load testing on my asp.net application using various features all at once. There is a lot of dependencies and ajax requests being performed in this application so it seems like a simple replay of captured http requests will not suffice and due to other features like picking out random operations, performing then verifying results across several machines, simple load testing software will not suffice.

Also there is no budget to this project for spending, so commercial implementations can not be used. I'm debating on trying to use MSMQ (never used before) to handle communication between clients, but if that is really complicated to set up then I would either use a database table as a queue or a simple TCP server with each test machine as its clients.

Features I want are: immediate failure (one client crashes, then all clients should stop), each test run should start with a brand new scenario with no prior messages, and ability to publish a start and stop event. Also it would be nice if I don't have to worry about state management (leaning towards TCP server for this over database) or concurrency.


1 回答 1


听起来 MSMQ 不是您所需要的。它是一种消息传递异步通信方法,类似于电子邮件。您可以将消息发送到甚至没有人在听的另一个队列(即应用程序没有运行)。在我看来,您想要一个更“在线”的交流模式。

如何创建代理(位于许多机器上并创建负载的客户端应用程序)以公开 WCF 服务,控制器程序可以连接到所有这些服务并指示代理做什么?它可以是双工合约,以便代理可以向控制器发送通知。当其中一个代理发送错误通知时,控制器可以指示所有其他代理关闭。此外,我会选择 Net.TCP 绑定而不是 HTTP 绑定。

于 2012-06-18T18:23:16.190 回答