那里有两件事..首先“;”在哪里 结束句子。您还需要对 varchar 值进行转义。
同意其他答案...使用 sp_executeSQL 运行动态 sql。
USE AdventureWorks2012;
DECLARE @find varchar(30);
/* Also allowed:
DECLARE @find varchar(30) = 'Man%';
SET @find = 'Man%';
SELECT p.LastName, p.FirstName, ph.PhoneNumber
FROM Person.Person AS p
JOIN Person.PersonPhone AS ph ON p.BusinessEntityID = ph.BusinessEntityID
WHERE LastName LIKE @find;
sp_executeSQL 的示例..
DECLARE @IntVariable int;
DECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(500);
DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500);
/* Build the SQL string one time.*/
SET @SQLString =
N'SELECT EmployeeID, NationalIDNumber, Title, ManagerID
FROM AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Employee
WHERE ManagerID = @ManagerID';
SET @ParmDefinition = N'@ManagerID tinyint';
/* Execute the string with the first parameter value. */
SET @IntVariable = 197;
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,
@ManagerID = @IntVariable;
/* Execute the same string with the second parameter value. */
SET @IntVariable = 109;
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,
@ManagerID = @IntVariable;