I want to print out the programme_name in my programsubjects controller, but currently I have only the programme_code from the programmes controller.

How can I make my drop down list to bring the programme_name?

My code:

  find('list',array('fields'=> array('programme_code'),
  'conditions'=>array(' ProgrammeRequirementsSubject.subject_code'=>$s_code,
   'group' =>array('programme_code')));

Now my programme_code is a primary key for the programme model, so how can I make it bring the programme_name while I have the programme_code?


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您可以使用 displayField 模型属性来指定要在 ddl 上显示为文本的字段(默认情况下,主键将是值)。食谱上有更多详细信息

于 2012-06-18T13:45:27.300 回答