%# adjacency matrix
adj = false(numel(b));
%# extract first cube, and connect all its points
bb = b;
bb(:,1:3,:) = false;
idx = find(bb);
adj(idx,idx) = true;
%# extract second cube, and connect all its points
bb = b;
bb(:,4:6,:) = false;
idx = find(bb);
adj(idx,idx) = true;
%# points indices
[r c] = find(adj);
p = [r c]';
%# plot
plot3(x(p), y(p), z(p), 'LineWidth',2, 'Color',[.4 .4 1], ...
'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',6, ...
'MarkerFaceColor','g', 'MarkerEdgeColor','g')
axis equal, axis vis3d, grid on, view(3)
xlabel x, ylabel y, zlabel z

%# edges: connecting points indices
p = [
1 2; 2 8; 8 7; 7 1;
37 38; 38 44; 44 43; 43 37;
1 37; 2 38; 7 43; 8 44;
65 66; 66 72; 72 71; 71 65;
101 102; 102 108; 108 107; 107 101;
65 101; 66 102; 71 107; 72 108
%# plot
plot3(x(p), y(p), z(p), 'LineWidth',2, 'Color',[.4 .4 1], ...
'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',6, ...
'MarkerFaceColor','g', 'MarkerEdgeColor','g')
axis equal, axis vis3d, grid on, view(3)
xlabel x, ylabel y, zlabel z
%# label points
labels = strtrim(cellstr( num2str((1:numel(b))','%d') ));
idx = find(b);
text(x(idx(:)), y(idx(:)), z(idx(:)), labels(idx(:)), ...
'Color','m', ...
'VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')

只需将上述代码中手动构造的 matrx 替换为以下内容:
%# compute edges: pairs of vertex indices
yIdx = {1:3 4:6}; %# hack to separate each cube points
p = cell(numel(yIdx),1);
for i=1:numel(yIdx) %# for each cube
%# find indices of vertices in this cube
bb = b;
bb(:,yIdx{i},:) = false;
idx = find(bb);
%# compute L1-distance between all pairs of vertices,
%# and find pairs which are unit length apart
[r,c] = find(triu(squareform(pdist([x(idx) y(idx) z(idx)],'cityblock'))==1));
%# store the edges
p{i} = [idx(r) idx(c)]';
p = cat(2,p{:}); %# merge all edges found