
每次 php 从 sleep() 唤醒时,我都想重复检查一个变量。此外,如果 3 分钟后仍未找到特定变量,则该函数应停止检查。我该怎么办?这是我到目前为止的代码:

  $file = file_get_contents("file.txt");
  if($file == 0){
    sleep(3);// then go back to $file
  } else {
    //stuff i want

2 回答 2




     $file = file_get_contents("file.txt");
     $timesChecked = 0;
     while($file == 0 and $timesChecked < 60)
         $file = file_get_contents("file.txt");
     if($file != 0)
          // stuff i want
     } else {
          // 3 minutes elapsed
于 2012-06-15T18:00:51.613 回答
  //This function returns false if the time elapses without finding the variable.
  //Otherwise it executes what you want to do. It could instead return true if that makes sense.
  function waitForContent($filename) {
    $timeElapsed = 0;
    $lastTry = 0;//the time the file was last checked for contents

    $filehandler = file_get_contents($filename);
    while ($filehandler == 0) {
      $currentTime = microtime();//current time in microseconds
      $timeElapsed = $currentTime - $lastTry;//Note this may not be three seconds, due to how sleep works.
      $lastTry = currentTime;//update the time of the last trye
      if ($timeElapsed > (180 * 1000)) {//if three minutes has passed, quit.
        return false;
      $filehandler = file_get_contents($filename);//update file handler

    stuffIWantToDo();//stuff you want to do function.
于 2012-06-15T18:04:46.007 回答