ID - int
Status - string
Name - string
CreateDate- datetime
public partial class Supplier
// Note this class has nothing in it. It's just here to add the class-level attribute.
public class SupplierMetadata
// Name the field the same as EF named the property - "FirstName" for example.
// Also, the type needs to match. Basically just redeclare it.
// Note that this is a field. I think it can be a property too, but fields definitely should work.
public Int32 ID;
[Display(Name = "Status")]
public string Status;
[Display(Name = "Supplier Name")]
public string Name;
HiddenInput 注释会引发错误,指出“属性‘HiddenInput’在此声明类型上无效。它仅在‘类、属性、索引器’声明上有效。”