我正在尝试在 Android NDK 中加载 TGA 文件。
我使用 AssetManager 打开文件,将 TGA 文件的全部内容读入内存缓冲区,然后尝试从中提取像素数据。
我可以毫无问题地读取文件的 TGA 标头部分,但是当我尝试将内存指针前进到 TGA 标头时,应用程序崩溃了。如果我不尝试推进内存指针,它不会崩溃。
Android NDK 对指针运算是否有某种限制?
char* GEAndroid::OpenAssetFile( const char* pFileName )
char* pBuffer = NULL;
AAssetManager* assetManager = m_pState->activity->assetManager;
AAsset* assetFile = AAssetManager_open(assetManager, pFileName, AASSET_MODE_UNKNOWN);
if (!assetFile) {
// Log error as 'error in opening the input file from apk'
LOGD( "Error opening file %s", pFileName );
LOGD( "File opened successfully %s", pFileName );
const void* pData = AAsset_getBuffer(assetFile);
off_t fileLength = AAsset_getLength(assetFile);
LOGD("fileLength=%d", fileLength);
pBuffer = new char[fileLength];
memcpy( pBuffer, pData, fileLength * sizeof( char ) );
return pBuffer;
char* pBuffer = g_pGEAndroid->OpenAssetFile( fileNameWithPath );
TGA_HEADER textureHeader;
char *pImageData = NULL;
unsigned int bytesPerPixel = 4;
textureHeader = *reinterpret_cast<TGA_HEADER*>(pBuffer);
// I double check that the textureHeader is valid and it is.
bytesPerPixel = textureHeader.bits/8; // Divide By 8 To Get The Bytes Per Pixel
m_imageSize = textureHeader.width*textureHeader.height*bytesPerPixel; // Calculate The Memory Required For The TGA Data
pImageData = new char[m_imageSize];
// the line below causes the crash
pImageData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pBuffer + sizeof( TGA_HEADER)); // <-- causes a crash
pImageData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pBuffer); // <-- does not crash, but obviously texture is messed up.