我正在使用 TraitsUI 开发应用程序。
会有类似 ProcessValues 按钮和 SaveValues 按钮的东西。
- 如果单击 ProcessValues,则应进行某些操作,然后应关闭窗口
- 如果单击 SaveValues,则应执行其他操作,窗口也应关闭。
在下面的示例代码中,单击按钮会打印处理程序中的消息,但除了单击框架中的 [x] 之外,我不知道如何使窗口自行关闭。
重载 close() 似乎不起作用,因为它在单击 OK 后被调用。也许有一种方法可以生成 close_window 事件,或者它可能是别的东西。
from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Str, Int, List, Any, DelegatesTo
from enthought.traits.ui.api import Handler, View, Item, Action
class MyPanelHandler(Handler):
def _process_values(self, info):
#>>>reach process_values() through info and call
print 'values processed OK'
#>>> what goes here so that the window is closed?
def _save_values(self, info):
#>>>reach save_values() through info and call
print 'values saved OK'
#>>> what goes here so that the window is closed?
class MyPanel(HasTraits):
model = Any
name = Str
age = Int
process_values_button = Action(name = 'Process Values', action = '_process_values')
save_values_button = Action(name = 'Save Params', action = '_save_values')
view = View( 'name', 'age', handler = MyPanelHandler(),
buttons = [process_values_button, save_values_button],)
class MyApp(HasTraits):
panel = Instance(MyPanel)
def __init__(self):
self.panel = MyPanel(model = self)
def get_values(self):
def save_values(self, name, age):
print '... doing whatever to save values'
def process_values(self):
print '... doing whatever to process values'
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = MyApp()