SQL Doesn't work like that. the where statement always looks for a function/column where something is. even if the function works you still have to tell the where statement which value you want True or False
I haven't used Oracle SQL, but looking at what you have there I think that if you write it like this
select *
from table t
where is_prod = True
it will work, if you change the Variable type in your function to something like a Varchar(5) or something similar.
you are actually asking that function to look at several records, so when you have it like you do it acts like a Select Statement and not like a where statement. it will give the value of the function but not filter the where.
it will look like a column with true
or false
When you use the function in a Where
statement like this:
FROM table t
WHERE is_Prod
it's like saying:
FROM table t
WHERE Column1
you have to clarify for the WHERE
FROM table t
WHERE Column1 = 'blue' or is_Prod = 'false'
in C# you can use a String as a boolean, if it is null it returns false
in SQL Server it comes out like this
Column2 IS NULL
you still need an operator
* Separator *
as I don't use Oracle I was unable to test this.
REGEXP_LIKE is a like Statement. so it uses a comparison operator.
you could probably write a regexp in a like statement, although I am sure that it is time consuming and monotonous so they made a function that does it for you.
in other words you still have to use the '= whatever' on the function that you created.