如何通过对话向 Facebook iPhone sdk 上的朋友发送直接消息?我已尝试过此代码但无法正常工作?

NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                   @"I'm using the MyFBTest App", @"name",@"http://listentowebby.com/wp-content/themes/cw/images/facebook.png", @"link",nil];

AppDelegate *delegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[[delegate facebook] dialog:@"send"

1 回答 1


you can't send direct message in mobile devices says facebook documentation send dialog

and the method you are using will only send the request, and if the user to whom sending request, has installed the app, then it will able to read the message else not.

one other way to convey your message is to post on friends wall, for which you may refer to this thread facebook ios post on friend's wall

于 2012-06-12T10:25:25.910 回答