Assume the situation, i have an UIWebView and signed in into my gmail account, i have received an e-mail with an attached pdf file. Now am clicking on the attachment link the webview will open the pdf file there itself.

At this time if am trying to read the html contents it returns NULL.

Please help me by giving an idea. Now how could i read/parse that pdf content already loaded in webview and store the data into NSString.


1 回答 1


如果您有 PDF 文件的 URL,则直接在 WebView 中加载 URL,否则您必须使用 NSURLRequest 下载文件,然后从应用程序的本地目录加载文件。我很乐意为您提供从本地目录加载 PDF 文件的代码,但我建议您使用 Google 搜索。

于 2012-06-08T10:27:25.187 回答