cuke4duke.Table.rows() 和cuke4duke.Table.raw()有什么区别 ?
我发现当我传递一个只有一行的表时,rows() 返回一个大小为 0 的列表;
Then I see the following projects in the ProjectList
| My Private Project |
Java 实现
@Then ("^I see the following projects in the ProjectList$")
public void iSeeTheFollowingProjectsInProjectList(cuke4duke.Table table) {
table.rows().size(); // gives 0
table.raw().size(); // gives 1
Then I see the following projects in the ProjectList
| Regression Project 3 |
| My Private Project |
Java 实现
@Then ("^I see the following projects in the ProjectList$")
public void iSeeTheFollowingProjectsInProjectList(cuke4duke.Table table) {
// When I asked, I thought this was returning 2, but it's not, it's returning 1
table.raw().size(); // gives 2