I am using eclipse and would like to integrate some sort of version control. Ideally, I do not want to use a plugin. I would really like to somehow write the version to a text file in some way.

The reason I would like to do this is because I have a program that needs to track the current version of the workspace. Right now I am manually creating a text file in the workspace folder called "Version.XXXX" and just reading the name of the file to get the version number. However, I would like to somehow have eclipse do this automatically in case I forget to make the text file manually.

Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


1 回答 1


如果你想要一个简单的源代码版本控制系统,我建议你使用 Mercurial。所有版本控制信息都存储在项目的根文件夹中的一个.hg文件夹中。没有服务器和登录。与 SVN 和 Git 一样,它具有来自 Tortoise 的 gui 支持和适用于您的 IDE 的插件。其背后的逻辑和命令与其他解决方案类似。

于 2012-06-14T21:05:21.157 回答