I have configure ejabberd server 2.1.10 with mysql database integration,mod_admin_extra module and mod_xmlrpc module.

Issues is ejaberd admin commands like add_rosteritem, delete_rosteritem are notworking with xml_rpc. When we use direct command line like,

*root@ejabberdserver:~# ejabberdctl add_rosteritem admin domain.com karthik domain.com karthik none both*

it will work and store in to database.

but same command does not work with xml_rpc. xml_rpc does not return any error, it retun {ok,{response,[0]}} But it does't store database.

Any permission issue?

Any body please help!!!!!


1 回答 1


我最近遇到了类似的问题,结果发现根本原因是 (svn)ejabberd_module 源代码中存在错误,这已在https://github.com/processone/ejabberd-contrib/issues/22中报告并修复ejabberd 贡献,

所以我建议你下载源https://github.com/processone/ejabberd-contrib并重建 mod_admin_extra。

于 2014-08-03T07:51:16.687 回答