When I am clicking on the application icon, the app freezes for some time and is not opened. No crash report is generated.
From the console logs I could get the following warning:
Jun 6 10:55:00 Saschas-iPhone UserEventAgent[12] <Warning>: TRACE: <MBConnection: 0x160790> connection interrupted
Jun 6 10:55:00 Saschas-iPhone UserEventAgent[12] <Warning>: DEBUG: <MBConnection: 0x160790> disconnected
Jun 6 10:55:00 Saschas-iPhone UserEventAgent[12] <Warning>: TRACE: Canceling <MBConnection: 0x160790>
Jun 6 10:55:00 Saschas-iPhone UserEventAgent[12] <Warning>: TRACE: <MBConnection: 0x160790> connection invalid
Would the above mentioned warnings have caused any affect to the application.
Kindly let me know what the warnings mean.