here's my problem. I have 2 tables tvehicle and tPMCL the tVehicle table has a list of our vehicles, and the tPMCL holds when preventitive maint. is done.
tvhhicle.VehicleTagnumber holds the actual plate number, and tPMCL.Tag holds only a Index of a look up of that number from when it was entered, I wish it had the tag number so when i do loops through my data comparing it would be able to match up, as it is:
it's comparing something along the lines of "XPE 269" to 1 and that's not working so well.
Any ideas? the answer may not be a VBA answer it may be a diferent way to do the lookup in the first place. But I just can't find another way to do the lookup and actually store the plate number and not an index of it.