使用 Facebook Graph Api 在 iphone 中解析新闻提要响应

我目前正在尝试访问用户新闻源中的帖子。所以我做了什么,在我的电话中-viewDidLoad发出了这个电话[self.facebook requestWithGraphPath:@"me/home" andDelegate:self]

为了检查这个请求是否正常工作,我NSLog进入了- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response我收到响应的方法。

因此,在方法中- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)resultNSLog选择了resultf。通过进一步检查result我得到的是什么,我确认这是在Dictionary包含一个Arrayof 的a 中Dictionaries。如果我错了,请纠正我,但似乎这是一个 JSON 数据。

启发我如何解析这个。我希望访问帖子的消息内容并用这些内容填充 tableView。

以下是部分result内容。由于 JSON 数据很长,因此打算剪切内容。

    actions =             (
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            description = "Check  here--->>>>>>> FA\U0152BOOK PROFILE VIEWER \U00ae <<<<<<<<<------";
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                        message = "nice seeing you master jedi! ";
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            "created_time" = "2012-07-23T05:15:08+0000";
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                        name = "Miguel Valeroso";
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                        name = "Juan M. Borra III";
            message = "Is today a \"Look There's Dr. Hiquiana Let's Greet Him Day\"? Walking across Pearl, a huge SUV pulls over and out comes Samantha Maristela, Karla Zulueta, and Mia Penaflor to greet me, and two minutes later while crossing over Amethyst, my niece Camille Hiquiana pulls her car over and greets her uncle. Next time, please let me know what time you want me to come out to Pearl so that you can all pull your cars along the street and greet me at the same time okay? Don't wanna get blamed for traffic delays. :)";
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            "created_time" = "2012-07-23T04:45:22+0000";
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            message = "i wanna live in your world ..\n:)";
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                        message = "wow scrape";
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            message = "oi! doggy ano yan!!
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