public void paint(Graphics g){
//Displays version number and name.
g.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 10));
g.drawString("DCoder " + execute.Execute.version, 2, 10);
//Displays logo in center.
g.drawImage(logo, centerAlign(logo.getWidth(null)), 50, this);
private int width(){
//Gets and returns width of applet.
int width = getSize().width;
return width;
private int height(){
//Gets and returns height of applet.
int height = getSize().height;
return height;
private int centerAlign(int obWidth){
int align = (width()-obWidth)/2;
return align;
在我的 Java Applet 中,直到我调用 repaint() (通过调整 Applet Viewer 窗口的大小),图像才会显示?为什么图片不显示?