I'm referencing the demo against the library I have and there seem to be some differences. I just want to make sure I'm not working with something deprecated or outdated.

The header file for each in PayPal.h says:

//  PayPal.h
//  MPL Library - Developer Interface
//  Created by Paypal 2010
//  Modified by:
//          DiZoglio, James(jdizoglio) on 5/10/11.
//  Copyright 2011 Paypal. All rights reserved.

In particular, I'm noticing that the library has:


while the demo has:


I guess this question is mainly for PayPal, and in particular James DiZoglio, but I appreciate any help anyone who has integrated this with their iOS app can offer. Thanks.


1 回答 1


您总是可以使用 Cocoa 的 " respondsToSelector:" 方法来查看 PayPal 库是否响应 " getInstance" 或 " getPayPalInst" API。

同时,提交错误或向开发人员支持@PayPal 发送消息,看看您是否可以让他们帮助您解决困惑。

于 2012-06-05T05:08:52.787 回答