I would like to load a DOM using a document (in string form) or a URL, and then Execute javascript functions (including jquery selectors) against it. This would be totally server side, in process, no client/browser.
Basically I need to load the dom and then use jquery selectors and text() & type val() functions to extract strings from it. I don't really need to manipulate the dom.
I have looked at .Net javascript engines such as Jurassic and Jint, but neither support loading a DOM, and so therefore can't do what I need.
I would be willing to consider non .Net solutions (node.js, ruby, etc) if they exist, but would really prefer .Net.
edit The below is a good answer, but currently I'm trying a different route, I'm attempting to port envjs to jurassic. If I can get that working I think it will do what I want, stay tuned....